View Profile Bkid001

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well, i liked it...

those shitstick ass pirates in the other reviews don't know what they're talking about...even though I (along with others) think that using sprites is the "easy way out", I DO think the animation was good, and so was the sounds\voices. If you were to make another one, I'd just suggest taking out the sprites...


I will FOREVER remember that. XD


it was an ok plot, I just wasn't all for the drawing...but that's just me...

Frankiedaman responds:

You liked the plot? Then vote high on the style and humor!

You didn't like the drawing? Then at least give it a number!

Gawd-dayumn! Surely it wasn't as bad as a running line of 0's!!!

meh...it was....informative...

well, I liked the way it was informative to new ppl on NG..it's just...idk...a little odd....it was good, but mainly it was the voices that got on my nerves >_< ...I hated them almost as much as the speakonia voices (clocks, locks, etc)...also, the music was a little loud and drowning for the other sounds/voices..overall it was a good flash.

Cowman109 responds:

It wasn't meant to be informative. Though thank you for the review.

Recent Game Reviews

27 Game Reviews

Good but not great

I believe Markypoops had a very good argument. He wasn't flaming or bashing the author or game, just giving his opinion. I like how people give negative votes on opinions..Nice.

Anyway, this game wasn't the greatest. Honestly, if you took your skill in flash and AS and put it together with a really good flash artist, you'd have a great game. Also, better music and possibly someone who knows how to make a decent chart. Not to say that the charts were too easy..Wait no, that's exactly what I'm saying. Team up with someone who can make charts and someone who is really good at flash art and a great game will be created. :)

XceeD responds:

Well, this game was from around two years ago... you should check out what i've been working on...
and yeah, I made this game in 6 hrs.

And I am teaming up with people on my latest f2jam game :D.


Play bingo, decked out in a pumpkin suit.

Pumpkins. Alot of pumpkins. But they look nice, so that's a plus.

Needed an option to turn it OFF. It was good at first, and really set the mood (boring), but after awhile it just got annoying.

No instructions needed, really. When the numbers come up, you click the corresponding number on your card. Honestly, if you had trouble playing this game then please, leave Newgrounds now.

I would have more fun blowing up the SWF files at the top banner of the Flash Portal.

Replay Value:

This review may not cover the complete game, because I fell asleep about half way through playing. Good graphics and simple controls don't make up for the fact that this game was just plain boring. The music didn't either, and as I searched for some sort of a mute button I finally got fed up and muted my computer. This game lacked the basics of what a good game should have: entertainment. For the people who still want to play bingo, try Yahoo! Games. - Bkid


Fairly Simple. Run around, shoot the boxes, and collect the bowls of noodles.

Blocky noodles, blocky man, but somehow it works. The beam effect was also nice, but a background was really needed.

Repetitive Music, but a nice little option to turn that off was included. The beam and jumping effects also had nice sound to correspond with the actions.

Nice controls, but the beam really needed to be controled by the character.

Oddly entertaining for a game involving the collection of noodles trapped in boxes. It's definitly a game I'd play when I'm bored, or whenever I have some free time.

Replay Value:
Moderately High

This is one of those games that has the weirdest objective, but you play anyway. Who knew the collect of boxed noodles would be so fun? An actual background isn't really a must, but it would definitly help more than hurt. My only concern was about the controls. The meditate and high jump were nice and all, but I seemed to do just as well on the ground than in the air. Also, I really wish that the direction of the energy beam could be controlled by the player. The sound and music on\off buttons were are real help, as the background music got really annoying at times. This is a game that has more ups than downs, and something I would play regularly. - Bkid

Recent Audio Reviews

2 Audio Reviews


that saddens me so.....but i loved it! it sounded like a sad scene from a video game, but maybe that's just me =P...I'm definitly including it in a flash that I'm making!

good, nice acid sound

oh yea, definitly acid, woot..nice, but it sounds, idk..quiet for some reason, maybe something is missing that I just can't put my finger on...oh well, good song, nice stuff...i should be coming out with my own pretty soon for the site, but idk when =P >_< again, nice work!


Joined on 5/25/04

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